Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Belvedere Chateau

This is where Mark and I's reception will be held. It is on 103rd and Roberts Road. It is so beautiful. We were both blown away by the outside as well as the inside. It has three banquet rooms and we will have our reception in the Garden Room. This room is perfect. It even has a private entrance (You can see the entrance to our room in the picture below). The other rooms you use the main entrance and lobby. Ours has its own entrance and own lobby along with our own restrooms and bridal suite. I like this because then we don't have to see other weddings that night. Now that we have a reception location I can start to work on my first project, our save the dates!

Date Change!!

So...Mark and I booked a reception hall and I couldn't be more excited!! But they were booked already for every Saturday in 2010!!! We were so in LoVe with it that we couldn't pass it up so we changed our date to.....

Friday July 16th, 2010! :)

Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay so this post comes from PURE JOY! I have been really wanting our wedding to be photographed by Beth Laurren Photography. I came across her blog from a friends facebook page because she had her as her wedding photographer. I immediately fell in LoVe with her style. She is a photojournalist and really captures beautiful photos full of meaning and vibrant colors! I found her way back the first weekend me and Mark got engaged. I did not even e-mail her about prices because I had looked at some other photojournalist prices and just figured hers would be just TOO expensive for us.

For some reason today I was looking at her blog and decided to e-mail her because I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask! Turns out, I think Mark and I will be able to afford her for our pictures!! She is so nice and willing to work with our budget so I am really getting excited! Nothing is set in stone yet but I hope it will be soon!!

I am just soooo ExCiTeD about this!! It has made my day!
Here is her blog if you would like to look at her work....her photos are stunning!


Here is an idea for our centerpieces. For the flowers though it would just be gerber daisies....just an idea

Table Runners

I am not sure if that is what they are even called! Once again I came across a bio on and I found a picture of a table runner a bride used at her reception. These are our two colors, but we might be changing our colors up a bit...hmmm....I bet you wonder what color or colors they are!?! Well, I am not telling just yet!

But here is the picture of the idea I have for making a white table not so white....

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Fiori

In English that is FLOWERS!! I just wanted to make the title sound cool :)

*Right now I am in LOVE with Gerber Daisies...they are my favorite flowers and I love the vibrant colors

*As of right now this is what I want for my bridesmaids...maybe the multi colored ones or maybe just the bright would be a small bouquet and I would probably make them myself with the help of others hopefully! :)

*Maybe the girls could have the bright pink bouquet with lime green ribbon around the stems and I could have a pink and white bouquet of Gerber Daisies....
*They are just show big and do you not sMiLe when you see them?!

My Brain Is On Overdrive...

So my brain is on OvErDrIvE....I think I am dreaming about wedding planning now...I was telling Mark today that I seem to always be thinking of random ideas and thoughts about the wedding...I like to randomly throw ideas out when we aren't even in a conversation about the wedding...

Here is my new idea: The Guestbook

*I got this idea from a fellow knottie on She bought the guestbook and then she put the different colored envelopes on each of the pages and each person took a little piece of cardstock and wrote down a message to the bride and groom and then put their message in one of the envelopes with their names on the outside of the envelopes....

*We could use envelopes that are the colors in our wedding...

*LoVe this idea...

In My Dreams...

So the New Year has begun and Mark and I are searching for a place to have the wedding reception.

My #1 choice:
My Parent's Backyard!
...that choice was quickly crossed out since my parents might be putting the house up again for sale this spring..but just imagine:
*Me walking down our deck stairs in my mom's wedding dress, getting married in the backyard
*Floating candles in the pool, and laterns hanging from the trees
*A large white tent with sides that holds 200 ppl and has a dance floor
*Some bags and horseshoes for anyone who wanted to layback and relax
*Just a nice informal reception in the backyard at the house I lived at since I was born...PERFECT! :)

I guess that will just have to stay put in my imagination while Mark and I continue the hunt for the perfect reception venue that doesn't break the bank! Its StReSsFuL....but I am taking it day by day...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hand Crafted Flower Bouquets

Okay so of course I am doing my daily run through of and and I came across this girl who just became a wedding bee pro (not sure what that means yet, but I am sure I will figure it out in the next year and a half) Anyways, this girl is totally unique...I love it! She did a crazy wedding...she wore a dress that was handmade and it was pink and black polkadots and short and puffy, it was totally cute. What I liked the most about her wedding was her handmade flower bouquets.

She makes them out of buttons and felt. They are super cute. I am definitally thinking about doing this for the wedding...either seeing how much they are for her to make them or attempting to get some information on how to make these myself. Tell me what you think....I know its different but its cute!
This first one is the corsages for the men...she also made them for the mother of the bride and mother of the groom:

The second and third are pictures of bouquets she made for two brides:

So......what do you think?!?!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The New Year = Wedding Planning Begins!

It is now 2009 and Mark and I are officially going to start to plan the wedding! Although I have started looking and planning a couple things here and there nothing is set in stone. I only have ideas of what I want.

First up...A Date!
July 17th, 2010

Our next step is booking a place for the reception. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I want it to be someplace fun but I am also worried that they are all going to be too expensive. I am excited to look at the places and get an idea of what we want.

Although we are not getting married for a year and a half we want to plan the wedding this year and then have the last 6 months to relax and hopefully pay off the wedding!

My New Years Resolutions:
**To get healthy and lose some weight of course...this is every
year! :)
**To plan a wedding
**To enjoy life and try to not be SO stressed out all the time!