Friday, January 16, 2009

My Brain Is On Overdrive...

So my brain is on OvErDrIvE....I think I am dreaming about wedding planning now...I was telling Mark today that I seem to always be thinking of random ideas and thoughts about the wedding...I like to randomly throw ideas out when we aren't even in a conversation about the wedding...

Here is my new idea: The Guestbook

*I got this idea from a fellow knottie on She bought the guestbook and then she put the different colored envelopes on each of the pages and each person took a little piece of cardstock and wrote down a message to the bride and groom and then put their message in one of the envelopes with their names on the outside of the envelopes....

*We could use envelopes that are the colors in our wedding...

*LoVe this idea...


April said...

I too love this idea, unique! And it would make such a nice keepsake. Something fun to look at years down the road ...

Tammy B said...

I think that would make an awesome keepsake too! Very cute.