Friday, January 23, 2009

Table Runners

I am not sure if that is what they are even called! Once again I came across a bio on and I found a picture of a table runner a bride used at her reception. These are our two colors, but we might be changing our colors up a bit...hmmm....I bet you wonder what color or colors they are!?! Well, I am not telling just yet!

But here is the picture of the idea I have for making a white table not so white....


Tammy B said...

These are okay. Are they made with ribbon? That might get a little pricey if you are doing a lot of tables.

Kristin said...

Yeah I am not a huge fan of these yet...we would prob. use thicker pieces so it wouldn't be soooo many pieces...

BTW You need to do a new post on your blog...

Tammy B said...

I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW!!!! I'm in a slump....